Sunday, April 14, 2013

NSTA San Antonio: Day 3

After our slightly slower Friday we were worried that Saturday would be a sea of boredom punctuated by our workshop. We were wrong. We were mobbed.

We managed to capture this shot when both of us were not helping three people at once. Saturday's interest dwarfed our first two days, and that's before you consider the workshop over the lunch hour.

We don't believe we even doubled up on visitors; people who had come to the booth didn't come to the presentation and vice versa. All in all a very productive conference for teacher interest and corporate networking alike.

WoWiWe also recommends, in the strongest language possible, situating one's booth near the SeaWorld booth.

That's it for our NSTA experience. Thank you to all the teachers who stopped by, and we hope to see you again online.

Friday, April 12, 2013

NSTA San Antonio: Day 2

Day Two of NSTA came and went without a hitch. It was slow going this morning and we feared the conference might have ended without telling us, but the afternoon picked up steam and we ended up with almost as much traffic as yesterday. There's still one more day left to see us at booth 1817!

Or, more importantly, visit our workshop at noon in room 007B. We'll be walking you through the product front to back -- or as much as we can cover in ninety minutes. Attendees can follow along on their laptops and take the full version of the game home with them to preview for a month.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NSTA San Antonio: Day 1

A long, long day of conventioneering is behind us, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Traffic at booth 1817 was steady throughout the day, aided no doubt by the large SeaWorld display not twenty feet away. Biology teachers all seem excited about the Virtual Cell and we've had some great conversations about pricing and future modules.

It looks like we might have quite the crowd at our Saturday workshop. At noon on Saturday we'll take room 007B on a guided tour of what the Virtual Cell has to offer, and attendees can use the full client account provided to explore on their own time until May 15th.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NSTA San Antonio: Day 0

This may look familiar to you; it's becoming second nature to us! The WoWiWe booth makes its third appearance in the cavernous exhibition halls of NSTA San Antonio:

We weren't kidding about the cavernous part. Our camera is not adequate to capture the scope of this convention:

And even this lovely site can't quite convey the scale:

Trust us, it's a jaunt to find us this time around. Put on your hiking boots and come visit booth 1817, Thursday through Saturday.