Sunday, April 14, 2013

NSTA San Antonio: Day 3

After our slightly slower Friday we were worried that Saturday would be a sea of boredom punctuated by our workshop. We were wrong. We were mobbed.

We managed to capture this shot when both of us were not helping three people at once. Saturday's interest dwarfed our first two days, and that's before you consider the workshop over the lunch hour.

We don't believe we even doubled up on visitors; people who had come to the booth didn't come to the presentation and vice versa. All in all a very productive conference for teacher interest and corporate networking alike.

WoWiWe also recommends, in the strongest language possible, situating one's booth near the SeaWorld booth.

That's it for our NSTA experience. Thank you to all the teachers who stopped by, and we hope to see you again online.